EnviroTech Waste Services provides document shredding through our partner, Dakota Data Shred. With this full-service document destruction service, documents can be dropped off at our secure facility, or picked up at your facility, whatever meets your needs.

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Outsourcing your shredding is more secure and less expensive than shredding it yourself, and here's why:
Owning an office shredder will not protect your business.
If concern about privacy protection, new shredding laws, and identity theft sent you out to buy an office shredder (or has you thinking about it), you may want to rethink that decision.
Not only is using a NAID Member the most convenient and economical shredding solution, it is the best way to protect your company in the face of new information protection regulation.
Discarded shreds only tell the bad guys what to take.
The shredded materials from an office shredder are relatively easy to put back together. There is even a service available that electronically scans shreds for the purpose of reconstructing documents. If your shreds are simply thrown out in the office trash, all you have done is show the dumpster divers what to take.
NAID Members shred massive volumes of material which during the process is commingled with materials from scores of other businesses. As a result, it is virtually impossible to reconstruct any single document. And, because the vast majority of NAID Members recycle the shredded materials, the process they use does not create a situation where the shredded materials are retainable by unauthorized personnel.
Employees don’t use shredders!
In most small and medium sized offices, employees are already overwhelmed with work. It is not realistic to expect that a busy employee is going to faithfully go through the time-consuming inconvenience of laboriously putting everything they should destroy through a slow office shredder. Even if they place the materials near the shredder, someone often decides to throw them out to avoid the hassle and mess.
NAID Members provide secure containers into which employees can securely and conveniently deposit the documents that should be shredded. Simply put, convenience equals compliance and peace of mind.
Shredding yourself provides no record of compliance.
In the event of a privacy violation, compliant or audit, it is very likely that your firm will be asked to verify its compliance to information protection regulations. Shredding discarded information yourself provides you with no verifiable record of ongoing regulatory compliance.
Using a NAID Member’s service gives you a verified, ongoing record of regular compliance with legally mandated information destruction requirements.
Employees should not handle some sensitive information.
When your employees do the shredding, you have two options: 1) You either have entry-level employees shred, in which case you may expose sensitive personnel records and competitive information to individuals not meant to see it, or 2) management-level employees, who are especially busy and paid top dollar to do more important work, do the shredding. Neither situation is acceptable.
Outsourcing to a NAID Member solves this dilemma. Information destruction happens very quickly with little, if any, handling by the shredding service’s screened personnel.
Office shredders break down!
If you have ever owned an office shredder, you know they have a tendency to break down – even more so if you use them to shred everything you should. When this happens, the material to be destroyed piles up until the machine is repaired or replaced. The burden can become so great that there is a strong possibility that employees will cut corners and dispose of the material without destroying it in order to catch up.
If you are using a NAID Member, you are out of the equipment business for good. The solution to your information destruction compliance is secure, quick and convenient.
Office shredders won’t help you with large record purges!
Even if an office shredder could keep up with the large volume of daily shredding (which, in most cases, it can’t), what happens when you have to destroy more records than normal? Maybe you are cleaning old records out of storage or someone just cleans out their office. Even the slightest surge in the amount of material to be destroyed creates a nightmare for employees armed only with a small office shredder. Of course, the greater risk is that someone will simply decide not to shred it.
NAID Members use industrial shredders capable of destroying hundreds of pounds of material per minute. Even a major purge of records doesn’t give their equipment the slightest problem.
The shredder can’t handle some materials.
The papers that need to be shredded are often held together by binders, paper clips, staples and covers. These items normally need to be removed as the office shredders will not handle this material. Tapes, CDs, and other media also have confidential information on them. These items are only going to permanently end the already short life of the office shredder if you try to destroy them yourself.
By using large industrial destruction equipment, NAID Members can handle anything you throw at them.
And don’t forget about those old computers!
Before you recycle, discard, donate or sell that old computer, you MUST make sure it has NO personal or competitive information left on it. Countless headlines and broadcast news stories around the world have reported on organizations getting in significant legal trouble because confidential information was found on discarded computers.
NAID Members are information destruction professionals, first and foremost. Whether they actually destroy information on computers themselves, or refer you to a trusted associate, more often than not, they will have a solution.
The 2 most common outsourcing myths:
Myth #1: “Outsourcing is more expensive than shredding ourselves.”
The only way that having your own shredder is less expensive is if your employees don’t use it. When your company destroys everything that it should, it is far less expensive to outsource than to shred it yourself.
Myth #2: “We do not have enough material to warrant a shredding service.”
An office with just a few employees can generate over 100 pounds of paper every month. That means many hours spent feeding a few sheets at a time into a small office shredder. It is far more secure, economical and convenient to collect these materials in a security container than for you to try to keep up with it.
Why use a NAID member like Dakota Data Shred?
As part of the only organization dedicated to increasing the security and ethics of the information destruction industry, NAID Members are bound to a strict code of conduct.
As industry professionals, they take their business and your trust seriously enough to promote NAID’s efforts to improve the industry. NAID Members hold themselves to a higher standard. For more information about how your office can increase security and save money by outsourcing your information destruction requirements, contact us today!
Dakota Data Shred
A Division of Novak Sanitary Services
Document Destruction Service
800-717-6761 or 605-373-9281
References available upon request.
Document Destruction Services include…
- Document picked up in a locked truck
- Free estimates for all jobs
- Fully-insured
- HIPAA compliant
- Destroyed in secured facility
- NAID member
- Notarized certificate of destruction issued
Who needs Dakota Data Shred?
- Public or Private companies or institutions converting records to microfilm or fiche.
Companies dealing with everyday business such as payroll data, personnel files, customer lists, financial statements, bank statements, competitive price comparisons, R & D reports, sales reports, forecasts, marketing plans, etc.
How it works
- Various sized containers available
- Pick up scheduled at the customer’s convenience: daily, weekly, monthly or yearly
- Containers will be loaded into a secured truck
- Delivered back to our service facility
Dakota Data Shred’s off site facility utilizes…
- Keypad access security alarm system
- All activity is video monitored and recorded
- Confidential documents are shredded into a baler and transferred to a pulping mill
Other benefits of using Dakota Data Shred
- Employees are more productive when focused on their core responsibilities
- Safety – even small machines could cause injury if they grab clothing or accessories.
- Reduced capital and employment expenditures
- Employees are most likely to realize the value of discarded company info
- Company info such as payroll, legal and employment issues, and correspondence should not be exposed to most employees
- In-house shredding will not handle large volumes and may prompts employees to circumvent the destruction process
Any way you cut it…Office Shredders…
- Must be replaced often
- Are messy
- Can’t take staples and clips
- Can’t handle film and computer disks
- Take time away from the real office work
- Are not used consistently by employees (creating a high-risk situation)
As a better alternative consider using a NAID Member…
- Provides convenient security collection containers (making it easy and convenient for employees to use)
- Destroys it fast, whether it is 10 lbs. or 1,000 boxes
- Shreds staples, clips, film and CDs with no problem
- Frees employees to do their real job
- Is cost effective. The smaller the office, the more economical the service (the less you have, the less it costs
- Puts document destruction requirements in black and white.
- Requirements for Destruction of Protected Health Information.
- AAA Certified
- To verify that a firm is NAID Certified, visit